Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Turning Points

Last night, I brought in a character that I hadn't realized was necessary to the plot: the witches. I continue to surprise myself. I'm realizing that dialogue is coming soon. The story is starting to reach a point where it is necessary to be thrown into the story, so-to-speak, rather than simply observe. The reader needs to see for themselves what is going on as opposed to hearing the secondhand account from Princess Regina. This makes me nervous. Dialogue can be particularly challenging. I'm realizing that for some of the parts coming up that I need to figure out what voice needs to be heard. One thing is for sure: this is Princess Regina's story, so it's either her voice or the voice of the narrator. Another reason this worries me is that I seem to have melded Princess Regina's voice with a narrator voice. I fear that there will not be any discernible difference between the Regina's voice and the voice of the narrator.
All I know is that I'm just gonna have to trust my instincts. They've taken me this far. Unfortunately, at the moment, my instincts don't really seem to be telling me anything. I've experienced fear at the prospect of ruining my story I guess, but sometimes all it takes is for me to just start writing something. That's mainly what I've done in writing this story.
I also realize that for anyone who is just now coming into this story, that it must be kind of a pain in the butt to follow the bits and pieces of it throughout my different posts. When the story is complete, I will copy and paste it into MS Word, edit it and revise it, then re-post it as one complete story from beginning to end.
So far, from what I can tell, my writing experience has gone pretty smoothly, which is probably where my fear stems from. At some point, this must become more difficult. But that's okay. I guess that I am allowing you to see the writing process from behind the scenes. This is my rough draft. It's okay to make mistakes. I can fix them.
Something that I'm trying to figure out right now, is whether the mother and father run into the witch first or the dragon first. (I didn't know about the dragon, but this is the behind-the-scenes process. Sorry!) Some things that will help me determine that will be figuring out the mother and father's motives. Why are they going into the Dark Forest? That's the main question. Is it just for food or did they go into the forest specifically to seek out a witch? If so, why did they seek a witch?

Good night!

I love you dear!

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