Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Princess and the Nocturnal Enuresis Part V

The battle continues. Finding the motivation to write. My real drive comes from my wife. She is my real reason for keeping up on this blog. I've written significantly more on this blog than I would have otherwise. I'm keeping my promise to post every week, so that she can have some piece of me when I'm gone at work for half of the week.
What to write next, though? I'm talking once again, about the story that I have been writing on the fly. I continue to be surprised by the depths that I am reaching with this story. I'm kind of surprised that I have not written any actual dialogue into the story yet, but as far as I can tell, it seems to be working. I have a feeling that this story may take some further unexpected turns that I have not yet anticipated. There seems to be some foreshadowing that I hadn't necessarily intended, possibly a character that I haven't even thought of yet, maybe even a subplot, or perhaps, the plot will become the subplot in light of the new plot that is emerging. At any rate, I'm following the natural flow of the story. Where does it want to take me? This is why it continues to surprise me. Part V:

Everything changed when I had reached the age of twelve. My eldest sister was fifteen, and still had not been married. My mother and father had been hiking through the woods, probably to find food, or to bargain with a witch. It takes a great fool or great desperation to bargain with a witch. My parents were both. You have to go deep into the dark regions of the forest, where thieves and murderers hide, where strange creatures lurk, where evil comes to play. The legend is that the witches know the forest. It is their child, and everything in it belongs to them. Everyone in it belongs to them. They see your heart, your desires, and however unjust or cruel they choose to be, they determine your fate. They determine whether you fall to the thieves and murderers or whether you pass unnoticed, whether or not you fall prey to the menacing beasts of the Dark Forest, or whether or not you escape the forest untouched. The witches are intrigued by those with dark hearts. Those are the ones that they keep for themselves.

Good night, friends!

© 2013 Ihaveadryfish.blogspot.com

I love you honey!

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