Wednesday, November 13, 2013

(Too Tired to Think of a Proper Title)

This will be a short post. I've been super tired tonight, and haven't really felt like doing anything at all. Ironically, I've done a lot tonight, and I didn't want to do any of it. I changed Chewbacca's water (I did want to do that.), I went and bought groceries, and I did laundry, sort of. Now, it's close to my bed time.
I've been doing more thinking on my story. I think that the parents are intentionally seeking out the witch. I just need to figure out why. It makes sense to me that they are desperate about their circumstances. I don't mean to give the story away, but if I don't note some of the ideas that are coming to me I may forget them. Besides that, for anyone that wanted to see the writer's process at work, that's what I'm doing here.
Anyway, I'm noting that dragons are hard to kill, even with magic. It takes very dark magic to kill a dragon. It's not always easy to tell if a dragon is actually dead.
Good night!

I love you dear!

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