Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Princess and the Nocturnal Enuresis

I didn't post last week for a couple of reasons: First, I read some posts from my friend's superb blog called Single-Minded Determination. Here's the link: http://malcolmravenclaw.com/ Check it out! I was amazed and wanted to be a part of it. Suddenly, my blog seemed so pointless, which was sort of the point.
On the other end, I didn't want there to be any point. I could write whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, no matter how stupid and pointless. No time commitments, no themes to adhere to.
In some sense, I want my blog to be humorous since I somewhat implied that to be the purpose, but I thrive on flexibility and spontaneity.
Anyway, the real purpose of this blog was revealed to me yesterday. Really, I had written it in a love note to my dear, sweet wife about two weeks ago. I hadn't realized until I heard her reiterate it back to me. I mentioned my blog in the note as a way for her to have some piece of me while I am gone at work half of the week. So, with all of my love and devotion for my amazing wife, I dedicate this blog to her and commit to post something weekly.
Here's an idea for a story that came to my mind on Sunday:

There's a reason that fairy tales seem to tug on the heart strings of boys and girls of all ages, filling them with wonder. The magic, the adventure, the daring feats, the noble causes, the princes and princesses, the romance, the good and the evil, the curses and spells, the witches, the wizards, the dragons, the talking animals, the faraway lands, the fantasy...the fact is...
Oops, I wrote that wrong. The fact is. Just like that. You see, the term 'fairy tale' seems to invoke a sense of fiction. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ofttimes, details are lost in translation, even by those who 'witnessed' the events described, intentional or otherwise.
I'm Regina, Princess Regina. You haven't heard of me. I don't have an amazing story, not yet anyway. I'll be lucky if I ever do! Ugh! You've probably heard of my sister, though. You know, the one who was so perfect and so refined that she could feel a single pea under a tower of mattresses? Um, yeah...not quite. I'd give that stupid witch's name, but she'd have my head and my idiot brother-in-law would gladly take it from me. That guy is such a lunk head! I'll admit he really is a hunk, but I've had more intelligent conversations with squirrels.
Oh? Regina? Ha! That's not really my name. I changed it years ago. So did the rest of my sisters. We refuse to claim any relation to those windbags! Yeah, they can't find us, but you can never be too careful. I'm just so sick of hearing people gloat about those two like they are somehow connected to them, and then to hear their exasperating cries when they proclaim their desperate desires to be like them. It's bad enough when the two of them tell the tale, the most fantastic, most incredible, most outlandish tale that people from kingdoms near and far have ever heard!  My brother-in-law has become a man among men, having slayed seventeen dragons for the most perfect princess. Seventeen! What a crock! My parents aren't much better, but what can I say? I'm the product of whatever that was between them. My sister has become that model for every princess. Stupid mothers chiding their daughters to remember Princess- (I almost said her name.) We'll call her Princess Leaky Faucet.
We weren't always princesses. My mother was never a princess, and my father was never a prince. In fact, we have no royal bloodlines whatsoever.  

© 2013 Ihaveadryfish.blogspot.com

--------------------------------------To Be Continued----------------------------------------------------------

I love you sweetie!

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