Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Princess and the Nocturnal Enuresis: Part V1/2

I'm getting very close to actually writing something on my story. I'm realizing that I may need to tweak Part V a little bit, maybe a lot. Before long, there just might be a part VI! Here goes:

Everything changed when I reached the age of twelve, just a year ago. My eldest sister was fifteen and still had not been married. Of course, I wasn't either. It's not really surprising since we were peasants, but still! All little girls dream of falling in love with a gorgeous, rich, kind, gentle prince. Oh well, I guess it's for the best. Not that I'm married now, but if I had married as a peasant it would have been more out of necessity than anything. It would have been some older man, only slightly rich, and he would've married me as a means to relieve my mother and father of the burden of caring for me. And not to mention, the fact that I'm fertile.
My mother and father, and I had been hiking through the woods, probably to find food, or to bargain with a witch. It takes great foolishness or great desperation to bargain with a witch. My parents were victims of both. Witches dwell deep in the darkest regions of the forest, where thieves and murderers hide, where strange creatures lurk, where evil comes to play. The legend is that the witches know the forest. It is their child, and everything in it belongs to them. Everyone in it belongs to them. They see your heart, your desires, and however unjust or cruel they choose to be, they determine your fate. They determine whether you fall to the thieves and murderers or whether you pass unnoticed, whether or not you fall prey to the menacing beasts of the Dark Forest, or whether or not you escape the forest unscathed. But those with dark hearts...The witches are intrigued by those with dark hearts. Those are the ones that they keep for themselves.

------------------------------------To Be Continued----------------------------------------------------

Okay, so no Part VI yet. I'm still working out whether they come across the witch first or the dragon. I need to work out more details on that.

Good night everyone!

© 2013 Ihaveadryfish.blogspot.com

I love you sweetheart!

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