Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I'm finding that it's hard to be very motivated when I'm tired. I think part of the problem are my contacts. They seem to be floating out of my eye, and it's making it hard to stare at a computer screen despite the fact that that's what I've done for most of the night.
I still find more and more that this blog really is a way for me to write. I guess it serves two purposes: it really was designed in the first place with my wife in mind. Knowing that I'm leaving some piece of me with her when I post really does motivate me to continue posting.
As far as what I post, this really is about writing. Writing. Reading good writing. Sharing those things. I wasn't really feeling like writing, but I was staying true to my promise to my wife to post something for her each week. So, I opened up my blog, but what to write? I was stuck. I decided to turn on some music. Immediately, I wrote everything that you have just read, and within only about 10 minutes time. I'm listening to Empire of the Sun. Something about their sound is so magical and free. It seems to be good for my writing.

Well, I'm falling asleep, so I'm gonna go read now. Good night everyone!

© 2014 Ihaveadryfish.blogspot.com

I love you dear!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Be a Kid!

I have no idea what I'm writing about tonight. I've been watching ridiculous action scenes from Bollywood movies. They made me laugh, and I kind of wish that movies were like that in the good ol' U.S. of A. They were very over-the-top, and they all defied basic laws of physics in one way or another. I guess that I kind of felt like a kid when I was watching them. The action scenes weren't overly violent, minus a couple, and were almost cartoon-like. You find yourself wondering if this is supposed to be serious or if it's a tongue-in-cheek homage to American action movies. In the end though, it doesn't really matter, because the scenes were genuinely entertaining. The tastes of all of those movies made me want to see the whole thing. I decided that if all of those ridiculous scenes were put into one epic movie, and then titled "A Day in the Life of Chuck Norris", that it would make perfect sense.
As stated previously, I felt like a kid, carefree and excited. I think that's why two of my other favorite things right now is the cartoon Adventure Time and the band Empire of the Sun! Empire of the Sun is endlessly positive and happy. The music and lyrics are upbeat and energizing. They have created characters in a sci-fi/fantasy world. Their live shows are an incredible escape from reality. In one of their interviews, they stated that they "wanted to give kids something to believe in". And they do. Their music breaks whatever chains you have binding you, and frees you to be yourself.
Adventure Time is a child's imagination in cartoon form. The stories are strange and magical, funny and adventurous. Finn the human and Jake the dog go to different lands helping various characters, and battling monsters. The characters only add to the enchantment. Who can't appreciate a dog that can change his size and form at will? Or a land filled with candy people? Or a rainicorn? (That's a rainbow unicorn hybrid!) I could fill the page with all of the strange and wonderful characters, lands, and jokes.
Oh to be a kid again! Back when magic was real! Back when "pretend" was the only game you needed, and your backyard was whatever world you created. Back when the hardest parts of life were doing chores and going to bed!
We all have to grow old, but growing up is optional. I think sometimes we forget that...but then we have experiences that remind us of our childhood, whether it's a place we visit, or a song we hear, or a book we used to read, or a cartoon or movie we used to watch, or a game or toy we used to play with, or even a food that we haven't eaten since we were kids. We need to proactively seek those experiences...the ones that fill us with wonder, and excite us. The ones that stimulate our imaginations, the ones that make us glad that we're alive and happy to be ourselves. Choose to be a kid!

 ©  2014 Ihaveadryfish.blogspot.com 

I love you so much dear!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Honey

I missed last week, but to be fair...those evenings that I would've been up while my honey was in bed she actually spent with me since she had some time off of work. It was wonderful being able to spend that time with her. She really is my best friend, and I love her so much! I'm so blessed to have her!
I'm trying to start writing Part VI of my story. I have an idea where I'm headed, but I don't see the transition yet. That's the problem with my hiatuses between writing. I lose that flow that I had going through, although, sometimes I can spend an hour or two on a single paragraph. Meaning that sometimes it ends up being a self-induced hiatus.
I'm not writing much tonight. I'm pretty darn tired. It's almost 4:30 in the morning, and I'm fighting to stay awake.

Good night!

I love you dear!